To close the dialog box without making any changes, click this button. To accept the selected preferences, click this button. To send the document to the printer, click this button. Displays the document as it will appear when printed. To see the page in actual size, click in the Preview window. To move the page around, hold down the Option key while dragging the cursor. Opens a dialog box in which you can save the current page as a PICT file. To close the dialog box and return to the document, click this button. To preview the next page of the document, click this button. Disabled now because there are no more pages. To preview the next page of the document, click this button. When this box is checked, each printed page of the document will display a border. To display a border around each printed page, check this box. When this box is checked, text will be centered on each page. To center the text on the printed page, check this box. Type the text you want to include in a header or footer here. When this box is checked, the header or footer will include page numbers. To include page numbers in the header or footer, check this box. When this box is checked, the header or footer will include the date when your document was last modified. To include the date that the document was last modified in a header or footer, check this box. When this box is checked, text that you enter in the box will be printed in the header or footer. To include text in a header or footer, check this box and type the text in the text window. Displays a dialog box in which you can select a typestyle for your header or footer. When this button is selected, the printed document will display a footer for each page. It can include a title, date and/or page number, depending on what you select. To include a footer on each page of the printed document, click this button and check the items you wish to include. When this button is selected, the printed document will display a header for each page. It can include a title, date and/or page number, depending on what you select. To include a header on each page of the printed document, click this button and check the items you wish to include. To select an unlisted type size, type the desired size here and click OK. To close the dialog box without making any changes, click this button. To select the type size entered in the box, click this button. To open a document created by another application, click the application. Only applications that have format drivers installed in the System folder will be available. To apply the selected attributes to all topics in the outline at the current level, click this button. To apply the selected attributes to the current topic and all of its subtopics, click this button. Disabled now because the current topic has no subtopics. To apply the selected attributes to the current topic and all of its subtopics, click this button. To apply the selected attributes to all topics in the family at the current level, click this button. Disabled now because the current topic has no sisters. To apply the selected attributes to all topics in the family at the current level, click this button. The selected attributes will affect all topics in the outline. To apply the selected attributes to all topics in the document, click this button. To close the dialog box without changing anything, click this button. Attributes will affect the selected data only. To apply attributes to the selected data only, click this button. To close the dialog box and return to the document, click this button. When this box is checked, the search will ignore capitalization when searching for a match. To ignore capitalization when searching for matching text, check this box. Type the text you want to substitute for the found text here. To replace text and then find the next occurrence, click this button. Disabled now because there is no replacement text. To replace text and then find the next occurrence, click this button. Enter the text you want to search for here. The search will start at the current insertion point or at the selected topic. To replace the found text with text entered in the “Replace with:” box, click this button. Disabled now because there is no text entered. To replace the found text with text entered in the “Replace with:” box, click this button. To find the first occurrence of the text entered in the “Search for:” box, click this button. Disabled now because there is no text entered. To find the first occurrence of the text entered in the “Search for:” box, click this button. The search will begin at the current topic or the insertion point. cmd W will Save your document and cmd S will create a New Sister.